Stealing Time Page 2
“A dog from the future going back in time? Too science fiction for me!” Drew howled with laughter.
“Not that far-fetched. The space program used animals before they let humans go into outer space.” Kate defended her father. “You still have to catch up on your history, Drew.” She winked at him.
“Thanks, Pumpkin.” Her dad gave her a huge grin. “It does sound a bit crazy. We didn’t know if the animal would transport back to the canyon. We were working on that part when...”
“Carl became ill.” Kate finished for him. “I can see how you didn’t want to continue without him. He discovered the books and was the first to travel and unravel the mysteries of the book. I’m so glad I got to know him, if only back at the canyon. Carl may have passed away, but he lives on there.”
“Another mystery.” Drew shook his head.
“One we’re grateful for.” Kate’s dad raised his mug in the air.
“We could’ve used his guidance a few months ago.” Drew held up his mug in response.
Kate decided to keep focusing on the positive. “Luckily, you made it back to Ohio just in time. We never had to find out what would’ve happened to me. I know you made the decision to live in Mom’s world. I’m so glad you did.” Kate patted her father’s face. “You were afraid, and rightly so, that I might not have been born if you hadn’t gotten back in time. But I would have never forgiven you if you left Drew behind.”
Suddenly Kate felt a cold chill sweep over her. The time travelers had had that discussion before. You may only have one chance to come to the present to stay. Her father and Drew aged here in Ohio, in the present. They couldn’t keep starting over. Kate wiped a tear from her eye as she thought of her Drew...her handsome, dark-haired, emerald green-eyed Drew being left behind, unable to come to the present ever again.
“Kate? Kate, are you okay?” Drew was now sitting beside her.
“Oh, I was daydreaming, I guess.” She took his hand. “I was thinking about how you wanted to marry me in another time, got here and realized it wasn’t going to happen.” She took his hand, hoping he’d believe the little white lie. Drew knew she was still preoccupied with their dual lives. When he came to the present to live, Kate found he had strict values. No sex until marriage. She devised a plan to get married in the past, hoping Drew would accept those terms. He did, in a way. His rule now was no sex in the present. They weren’t married.
“But we still got married, didn’t we?” He gave her a wide grin.
“Yes, and it was wonderful.” In their hearts, they were committed to each other, no matter the decade. Drew, with his old-fashioned values, wouldn’t make love unless they were at the canyon where he considered them married. She tried hard to change his mind, but he wasn’t budging.
Kate sat up and stared at her father. They’d gotten off track, and she thought it was a good time to bring up Tyson again. Talking about Uncle Albert may have hurt her case, but she decided to forge ahead. “Well, Dad? I’m waiting on the Tyson decision.”
“He gets one more chance, and that’s it.”
Kate kissed him on the cheek. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
* * * *
“So we’re all friends again?” Tyson rose from his seat at the diner and walked over to pay the bill. “This is on me.” He smiled at them, but Kate thought there was a touch of sadness behind it.
Drew put his arm around her. “Happy?”
She nodded. Maybe all could be right in the world again. Karma just had to be on their side. Ty apologized over and over. He said he’d never do anything mean to Kate or hurt her in any way. “He does live across the street. It’s not like we’d never see him. And what’s the saying? Keep your enemies closer? Easier to keep an eye on him.” She rested her head on Drew’s shoulder as Tyson returned.
“All set. See you in school.”
Kate was surprised he acted so normal. “Ty,” she called out to him. “Thank you...for everything.”
After he left, she turned her attention back to Drew. “So, husband, ready to go home and report to my dad? I’m sure he left instructions to call immediately if anything happened.”
Drew could only laugh as he waited for Kate to slip out of the booth.
As they walked into the house, the first thing she did was to announce they were home. “Dad, we’re back safe and sound. Come out wherever you are!”
He rounded the corner of the family room. “Just watching game. I can turn it off. Tell me how everything went.”
“Mmm, aren’t we supposed to not want to tell you about our social lives? I think I read something about helicopter parents. They hover too much,” Kate joked.
“I have every right to hover after what I put you through.”
“Dad! You’re not going to start that again. I thought we cleared the air.”
“Maybe your dad still needs to talk. Do you, Jack?” Drew turned to Jackson and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Maybe I do. But Katie’s right. You kids need some privacy. You don’t need your ol’ dad lurking about.”
“Hey, don’t talk like that.” Kate hugged him. “And remember I want to be called Kate now, please.”
“Old habits die hard, kiddo. I’ll have to stick with Pumpkin.”
“Pumpkin will do.” Kate laughed and grabbed his hand, leading her father to the dinette table. “Sit. I’ll make you some coffee. Didn’t Maya drop off some cinnamon bread?”
Soon they had her dad laughing and making plans to go back to the canyon with Drew during spring break.
“I like that we’re getting back to normal.” Kate smiled at the men in her life.
“If normal includes time travel, I’m right with you.” Drew took her hand. “But it has to be with you, no one else.”
Kate’s dad rose from the table. “I think I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.” He walked over to where she was seated. “Thanks for forgiving me. I’ll never intentionally put you in harm’s way again. I’ll protect you with my life as long as I live and breathe. Did you hear that, Andrew?”
“Dad! Stop being so dramatic. Drew would never put me in danger.” Kate saw the hurt and guilt in her father’s eyes again. “You need to let it go. I have.” She got up and pulled Drew with her. “Homework!” She headed for the stairs. “Love you, Dad!”
When they reached her bedroom door, Kate turned to Drew. “I thought we had this settled. Am I going to have an overprotective father now?”
“I think he’ll get over it. Just give him some time.”
“Time. Sometimes I think it’s on our side, and then I feel it works totally against us. I felt a gigantic clock ticking inside me the whole time we were at the cabin. It was awful. On the other hand, I can’t wait to get back there and see everyone. I miss them.”
“I know what you mean.”
“You’re going tonight, aren’t you?”
“We agreed I shouldn’t tell you when I go.”
“Well, this is special circumstances.” Kate pretended to pout, stomped over to her bed, and sat down.
“Special circumstances?” Drew slid in next to her.
“Yes, I decided I need to know where you are at all times.”
“I’m right here.” Drew’s lips found hers as he pulled her close. “I’m not going anywhere, Mrs. Martin.”
“So you’re not going to the Grand Canyon tonight, Mr. Martin?” Kate whispered between kisses. She loved using their names from the past.
“Yes, I am.” Drew took a deep breath. “Darn! You got me!”
“Maybe I can persuade you to stay here.” Kate giggled.
“I’ll do whatever you want.”
Kate suddenly realized she felt fragile after the weekend. The dream, discussing New Year’s and meeting Tyson brought back a lot of memories. It wasn’t fair to place her fears on him. “You go, and have fun. I’ll be here when you get back. Can’t wait to hear about it.”
“Okay. You’re sure?”
s, positive.” Kate walked over to her desk. “I really do have homework.”
“So do I. I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”
“Of course. Tell Lindsey to call me so we can plan a shopping trip.”
“Senior Prom, right?” Drew smiled. “I didn’t forget.” He headed for the door and then turned. “I love you, Kate.”
“Love you, too.” She waited until she was alone and placed her head on the desk. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard the ticking clock...slowly counting down the minutes left in her life. “I beat the clock,” she said defiantly.
Tears filled her eyes, and she wiped them away. There was no real reason to cry. She was safe and alive. She had Drew, and life was back to normal. Wasn’t that every girl’s dream?
Chapter Two
Kate twirled in front of the mirror. The ice blue chiffon strapless dress billowed around her as she spun. She stepped closer, inspecting her make-up and tucking a loose strand of hair back in place. Her light brown hair, streaked with blonde highlights from the sun, hung in curls down her back.
“Senior prom,” she said aloud to the empty room. “Who would have thought my date would be someone I met in 1927?”
There had been no tears in weeks. She knew she shouldn’t have kept things to herself, but she wanted the family to think she was okay after what happened at the canyon. At times she had trouble shaking the feeling she didn’t exist. No one would remember a Kate Roberts lived on this earth...because she hadn’t. She told no one about the episodes, deep dark depressions that swept over her. Her heart would pound, and her stomach clenched into a tight ball making it impossible to eat. Dreams sent her back to that time and place more than once. Drew’s cabin at the Grand Canyon. 1927. The last day of the year. The dreaded clock ticking in her head. She’d dream she was in a room, and no one could see her. She’d call out to people. They’d look right through her, as if she didn’t exist. She’d wake, crying and have to convince herself she was safe at home with Drew and her family.
So on this day, Kate finally felt like herself. The last few months at school were so normal she felt like she was in an old-fashioned sitcom. Drew would meet her at her locker. They’d hold hands and go to class. They’d eat lunch in the cafeteria with their friends, and Drew would drive her home. She might as well wear his letter sweater to school every day as the finishing touch.
“Kates? You in there?” A knock at her bedroom door interrupted her thoughts.
“Yep! Come in.” Kate turned from the mirror and saw a vision of pale yellow float into the room. “Lindsey, you look beautiful!” She grabbed her friend and hugged her tightly.
“So do you.” Lindsey spun in place. “Can you believe we graduate in just a few short weeks?”
“Yes...and no.” Kate’s voice dropped to a whisper.
“Why so sad?”
“Things will never be the same again. We’ll all move on. It will be different.”
“I thought you liked different, Mrs. I’m-married-but-I’m-really-not.”
“You know what I mean. Stop teasing.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll be in Arizona this time next year.” Lindsey clapped her hands. She was accepted at the University of Arizona and would join her cousin Brandon and boyfriend Charlie there.
“Speaking of Arizona, is Charlie downstairs?”
“No, he dropped me off and will come back with Drew. He knew we needed girl time. Jordyn should be here any minute.”
“We hardly see Jordyn anymore. We used to be like the three Musketeers.” Kate bounced onto her bed.
“She really keeps busy. She signed up for prom committee besides everything else she does.”
“Are you guys talking about me?”
The girls giggled and rushed to embrace their friend standing in the doorway. “Jordyn!”
“Pretty in pink,” Lindsey cried.
“Jordyn, your dress is gorgeous.” Kate thought it looked designer and was dying to ask the question like on the red carpets—“So who are you wearing?”—but restrained herself.
“Thanks, the moms splurged a little.”
“Your moms are the best.” Lindsey paused. “I’m going to miss them.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet. You’ll have to tell them. They’re right downstairs.”
The girls looked at each other and said together, “Helicopter parents!”
“Good thing you’re going so far away for college.” Jordyn put her arm around Lindsey. “Mine will probably visit every weekend.”
“Kent State’s a little close.” Kate kept mum on her college plans. She and Drew planned to go to AU with Lindsey, but didn’t want Tyson to know the details. They told everyone they were still deciding.
“At least I’ll have Brian to drag along on all the outings.” Jordyn pulled a brush from her bag and ran it through her long silky, black hair.
“So he finally decided.” Kate was happy for her.
“He got a basketball scholarship. I’m so proud of him.”
“Girls! Are you coming down? We’d like to get some pictures,” a voice called up the stairs.
“That’s my mom.” Kate gathered her things. “Let’s go before they come up.”
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw Tyson and Erin had arrived. Erin, his long-time girlfriend, was breath-taking in a black strapless gown, closely hugging her figure. A large solitary diamond glimmered from the necklace she wore.
“Wow,” Kate pointed to the gem, “Is that real?”
“Of course it is, Katie.” Tyson put his arm around Erin. “Nothing but the best for my girl.”
Erin glowed like a girl in love, and Kate was happy for her. Things had gone so well with Tyson over the past months that they decided to ask him to go to prom with the group. It was their final farewell, and Kate was glad he was included. She crossed her fingers that his stalker days were over.
The doorbell rang. Her father jogged over to answer it. Drew entered with Charlie, and Brian was right behind them.
“Well, the gang’s all here,” Tyson called out.
Kate saw her dad roll his eyes, but was grateful he didn’t say anything. She walked over to Drew and planted a kiss on his cheek. “So glad you’re here.”
“You’re beautiful,” he said as he kissed her back.
* * * *
The prom theme was “Today was a Fairy Tale.” Sparkling silver trees covered with pale blue, lavender and white balloons gave the rental hall a magical feel. A glittering castle shone against a backdrop of a waterfall along the back wall. Large, white puffy clouds and whimsical lanterns hung from the ceiling. Lanterns also dotted the way along silver paths to the photographer and refreshments.
“This is wonderful, Jordyn.” Kate knew she spent hours creating the fairy tale environment.
“I thought of you when we picked the theme. You always loved fairy tales when we were little. I thought you believed they were real.”
If only you knew. Kate could only smile as she remembered thinking her first trip to the Grand Canyon was just a dream, like a fairy tale, but it turned into something real.
The couples found a table and settled in for the evening. The DJ played all the right music and took requests. By the end of the night, everyone was ready for some slow dancing. It was a great ending for the friends.
“I can’t believe Tyson’s behaving himself,” Lindsey said to Kate on the way to the ladies’ room. “He’s danced with Erin most of the night, asking each one of us for one dance. I’m starting to think he’s over you.”
“Please, let’s hope so. How long has it been since I broke things off? Almost two years?” Kate put on some lip gloss and touched up her mascara as they settled in front of a mirror in the restroom. “Hey, you don’t have to wait for me, Linds. Go back to the table.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” Kate dug in her purse for her blush. She looked at all the girls lined up at the mirror, enjoying the scene.
As she
came out the door, Kate spotted Tyson in a quiet sitting area to the side of the ladies’ room. “Ty? Are you alright?” He sat with his head in his hands, like he was thinking.
“Katie! Didn’t see you.” He popped up and walked toward her. “Can we talk?”
He led her back over to the seating area. “I...I...don’t know how to put this.” In an instant, he was passionately kissing her.
Kate’s head spun from the shock of it. She felt Tyson’s arms slip around her, pulling her close. It reminded her of her dream, when he was kissing her. For a second, she kissed him back almost like a reflex. Coming to her senses, like in the dream, Kate pushed him away. He wasn’t Drew. This was Tyson being Tyson.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Tears filled her eyes as she struggled for control.
“Showing how much I love you. I’ll never get another chance before we go our separate ways.” He stepped toward her, and Kate took another step back.
“No! Don’t start this again. I thought we had things settled. We’re friends.”
“Yes, we’re friends.” Ty wrapped her in a bear hug and kissed the top of her head. “Friends...for now. One day, you’ll come to your senses.”
He let her go and headed back to the dance. She stood motionless, trying to regain her composure. The last few months had been just a scam so he could lure her into his trap. Kate hoped she wouldn’t always be that naïve.
As she made her way back to the ballroom, Kate decided she would keep what happened to herself. It would just cause friction in the group, and tonight wasn’t about that. Kate noticed Tyson dancing with Erin when she arrived at the table.
“Good, you’re back.” Drew took her hand. “Dance?”
“I’d like to go home.”
“We still have a half hour. Don’t you want to stay?”
Kate struggled with the answer but knew it would seem odd if they left early. “You’re right. What was I thinking? I’m just a little tired.”
“Then we’ll sit here and enjoy the music.” Drew kissed her hand as his eyes met hers. “Is there something wrong? I see it in your eyes.” Kate shook her head. “Kate.” Drew stood up. “Tyson did something, didn’t he?”