Call of the Canyon Page 8
Kate giggled to herself. Maybe she wouldn’t have to wait to get married after all.
* * * *
Waking at the boardinghouse was the best part of the day. Its wonderful aromas always greeted her, something was always baking and fresh coffee was brewing. On most days, the sun streamed in her window through the thin cotton curtains. Kate always liked that moment, when she woke up not having a thought in her head. The cares of the day hadn’t crept into her mind and she could just lie there contemplating the new day.
“Carl!” Kate knew the peacefulness would not last long. Jumping out of bed, she ran to her closet in the hall to grab some clothes. As she was going back to her room, she spotted Drew and Carl going out the front door. She quickly dressed and followed them outside.
When she reached them, Carl had the biggest grin on his face she’d ever seen. He looked so happy and put out his arms as if to hug her. She held up her hand.
“No, Carl! We don’t know each other, remember?”
“Sorry, you’re right. You two better start calling me Joseph, then.”
“Joseph, may I take you inside and introduce you?” Kate pointed the way. She turned to Drew. “See you later.”
They walked down the hall to the kitchen. Kate called out. “Mr. Johansson? Are you in there?”
“Yes, flicka, in here.” A voice came out of the kitchen. Flicka meant girl in Swedish and she loved when Carl Sr. called her that name. The first time he did, she was insulted thinking he was calling her the same name as his horse. She smiled at the memory.
Carl Jr. stopped short in the hall and leaned against a wall. His hand covered his face and Kate could see he was deeply moved. “I haven’t heard that voice in over ten years.”
She gave him a minute to compose himself and then continued into the kitchen. “Carl, this is Joseph. I just met him outside. He said he’s looking for Maya.”
Carl Sr. turned from the stove and looked at Carl Jr. His eyes flashed for a moment in recognition, but then it was gone. He put out his hand. “Carl Johansson, nice to meet you. Sorry, Maya’s not here today. She goes on long visits sometimes and isn’t here for days.”
“That’s fine, I’m sure I’ll catch up with her. I was passing through on my way to California and thought I’d stop for a visit. I’m her cousin, Joseph.”
“Welcome, Joseph. I know Maya would want me to make you feel at home. Please feel free to take a room upstairs.”
“Oh, I couldn’t do that, really.”
Kate could tell he was flustered from lying to his father.
“Then I have a small bunkhouse out behind the barn. I insist you stay there.” Carl Sr. was persistent.
“Thank you, sir. I may do that.” Carl Jr. smiled. “I hope you don’t mind if I look around? I may even take a visit to the canyon.”
“Not at all, my home is your home. Maya would want me to make you feel welcomed here. You can drive in with me later, when I take the girls to work. You’ll need to conserve your energy for walking the canyon.”
Since everything was going so well, Kate slipped out of the room and back to hers. She knew to follow her routine from last year, work at El Tovar and come back to the boardinghouse each night. While at work, she would see Drew and her friends. It was a simple life. And maybe she needed things to be simple for a while. It would give her time to think after learning so much the past week about her family. Besides, there could possibly be some answers right there at the canyon.
Kate heard the Buick’s horn and knew it was time to go. Carl Jr. was already in place, up front with his dad and Kate hopped in back with the girls. She could see the two men having an easy conversation while they waited. Kate was thrilled Carl got to see his dad again and was sure he felt the same.
When they arrived at El Tovar, Carl Jr. jumped out with the girls. “Kathryn, may I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure.” Kate waved to Carl Sr. and the other girls. “Be in soon, give me a minute.”
“Kate, how do I look? Am I younger, stayed the same? Do I look as old as my father? Boy, he looks good, doesn’t he? He uses more Swedish than back in the eighties and nineties with us.”
“Carl, calm down! I think you look the same as back in Ohio. You and your father look about the same age and there’s an eerie resemblance between the two of you. I hope no one notices.”
“I think everyone will just notice a black man wandering around the Grand Canyon. I don’t think they will say, ‘Hey, he looks just like Carl Johansson!’”
“That’s not funny!” She wanted him to have a good experience. “Go and explore and have fun. See you back here for lunch. Head over to Kolb Studio, I’m sure Drew’s there. He’ll give you some tips on exploring the canyon.”
“Great! See you later.”
Kate stepped into the kitchen to the sound of familiar chatter and clanking of dishes. Thomas was at the stove, as usual, humming to himself. He turned and winked at her as she walked past. Kate decided she would get to know him a little better this time around. She went back to the stove area and started a casual conversation.
“What has you so happy today, Thomas?”
“I have a date with a girl tonight, Kate. Hopefully, I’ll be able to say she’s my girl soon.”
She knew he was talking about Rachel, but acted like she didn’t. “Do I know her?”
“Well, let me see...” Thomas had a delightful grin on his face. “Since you only have been here a few”
Kate laughed at his teasing. “What’s her name? Will I meet her?”
“Her name is Rachel and I hope you’ll meet her soon. Now get to work before we both get in trouble.” Thomas motioned to Miss Betsy who just appeared in the kitchen.
“Miss Betsy is harmless.” Kate laughed but got back to work.
She loved working with Anna and Ruthie because they always had fun together. Her great-great Aunt Lucinda was already promoted to the dining room so she didn’t see as much of her. She might be meeting her future husband, Henry Hasting, in there right now. Kate enjoyed knowing what was going to happen this year. Last year she lived it, this year she knew what to expect. She reminded herself to let things play out and not interfere...which was a little hard to do.
Lunchtime came quickly and Kate hurried around to the front of El Tovar to meet Drew. Carl also sat on the porch with him. Kate waved to both of them.
“Carl, um, I mean, Joseph, how has your day been so far?”
“Before we left the boardinghouse this morning, I did a little exploring. I went in the barn, found the bunkhouse and walked the grounds. I can see why you love it so much, Kate. I may take Dad up on his offer to live in the bunkhouse.”
“Carl! We said one day only.”
“Well, I’m a grown man who can make his own decisions, right? I think I may come back. I met someone and I’d like to get to know her better.”
Kate was shocked. “You were here half a day and you met someone?”
“Yep, she was taking a break from her job, enjoying the canyon. She’s a maid at one of the hotels, even looks cute in a uniform.”
“Not a good idea.”
“You did it, Kate! And look how that turned out.” Carl reached over and patted Drew on the shoulder.
“I’m supposed to be dead, Carl. So Kate didn’t interfere with my history here, you know, I have no future wife, children...” Drew tried to defend her.
“But she did change history, Drew. You have to admit that. You’re alive and living in a different century.”
Kate decided to stop the debate. “So who is she, Carl? Does she like you?”
“I don’t know her name yet, but we’re meeting after she’s done with her shift later today. If she agreed to meet, then I think she must like me.”
“Okay, meet up with her one time. Find out her name and we’ll try to research her history when we go back home.”
Carl nodded his head in agreement. “Maybe I’ll be bringing someone to the future, too. I’ll meet you ba
ck at the boardinghouse tonight, should know more then.” He bounded off the stairs and out toward the canyon. He turned and gave the couple a quick salute. “Wish me well.”
Kate looked at Drew and saw he was as worried as she was. “What have I done? I’ve created a monster!”
He took her hand. “He’s in charge of his own destiny. If it’s meant to be, then it’s meant to be.”
“Where have I heard that before?” Kate placed her other hand on the side of her temple. “Maya would be so upset if she knew we were doing this without her knowledge.” Maya was Kate’s grandmother figure and always on her side. Now Kate felt guilty doing this behind her back.
“Don’t you think Carl Sr. will be telling her soon?” Drew squeezed her hand.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Carl said his mom is on a two week cruise. He has time to come back as much as he wants. She’ll never know.”
“Again, Kate, I’m going to say you’re not at fault. I think Carl would have made it back here...with or without your help. Now I have to get back to work and so do you. I’m planning on coming out to the ranch tonight. See you then.”
“I’ll talk some sense into Joseph...make that Carl...when we get back to the present.” She called over her shoulder as she headed back to work.
Kate couldn’t wait for the day to end and was relieved to see the Buick pull up behind El Tovar. The girls ran out to greet Carl Sr. He seemed to be looking around for something or someone. “Girls, have you seen Joseph? I’d like to give him a ride home.”
They all shook their heads no. Carl started up the car to head back to the boardinghouse. He continued scanning the landscape as he drove away, but Carl Jr. was nowhere in sight. Kate crossed her fingers everything would work out as planned.
After dinner, Kate went outside to sit and wait for Drew. In the distance, she spotted him and his horse, Canyon, coming down the road. She got up to greet them. Someone was on the back of the horse, behind Drew. As they came closer, Kate saw it was Carl.
“I’m so glad to see the both of you.” Kate ran to Drew as he slid off the horse.
“I’ll take him to the barn for you.” Carl took the reins of the horse and headed toward the stable.
Drew appeared to be in shock. Kate grabbed him and spun him in her direction. “What’s wrong?”
“You’ll never guess whose Carl’s date was.”
“It will be a little hard to guess because I don’t know any of the maids at the hotels.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Drew, stop it! Just tell me. Who is it?”
Kate couldn’t believe what she heard. “You mean Thomas’ Rachel?”
“Yes, that’s who I mean.”
Carl walked toward them, looking pleased with himself. “Kate, I met the most wonderful girl. I think it’s love at first sight. She’s smart, beautiful...brilliant in fact. In our time, there’s no way she would be a maid. It’s not fair. I plan to do something about it.”
“Carl, no! You can’t. Rachel’s taken.”
“Not according to her. She has some date tonight with the cook at El Tovar but that’s just a casual thing. They aren’t exclusive.”
“That cook is my best friend.” Drew looked like he wanted to punch Carl.
“Guys, let’s sit down and talk this out.” Kate took both of them by the arm. A group of trees away from the boardinghouse looked like the perfect spot. She pulled them both down to the ground, facing each other, when they arrived. “Carl, we said you’d come one time. You can’t change Rachel’s life by coming back.”
“No, Kate, you said I should come one time. I never agreed to that. I like it here. I’m planning on coming back no matter what you say.”
Drew stood up. “I’ve had enough of this. Carl, you can’t come back. I won’t let you ruin Thomas’ life.”
Carl stood, too. “I won’t. If Rachel is meant to marry Thomas, she will.” He stormed off toward the house.
“This isn’t the practical Carl I know. Give him some time to cool down. He’ll come to his senses.” Kate reached up to Drew and he pulled her to her feet.
“If you say so, I’ll try to believe it. But those were the eyes of a determined man.” Drew walked slowly with Kate back to the boardinghouse. “Carl decided to sleep in the bunkhouse tonight and I will, too. The bunkhouse is part of the ranch, so it should bring us back to the present. Hopefully, I’ll see you tomorrow back home.”
Chapter Eight
Relieved to be home, Kate was happy everything had worked out as planned. Drew and Carl woke up in their bedrooms right where they’d left their books—Drew in the guest bedroom and Carl at Maya’s house. Although she was back, Kate still had an eerie feeling. She reached for her phone to call Anna. There was so much to talk about. They used to talk daily. Now that Drew was there, so much of Kate’s time was spent with him. Anna understood, but sometimes Kate felt guilty neglecting her.
“Hi, Anna, I knew you’d be awake already.” She tried to sound upbeat.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just haven’t talked to you in awhile.”
“You never call this early so I know it has to be something. Start talking.”
And talk she did. Kate told Anna all about her dad’s family and evil Uncle Albert. Because of that, she informed Anna, she wouldn’t get married in September as previously planned. Kate wanted her grandmother to attend the wedding and didn’t want to miss out on Anna’s one hundred-and-first birthday. Kate decided to pick a date after those events.
“You don’t have to put off your plans for me. I think a summer wedding would be so beautiful.”
“It’s already decided.” Kate laughed and then grew somber. “Now I have something else to tell you.” She went on to tell her about Carl’s visit to 1927 and that he fell in love with Rachel.
“Rachel marries Thomas. He can’t interfere with that.” Kate could tell Anna was upset. “Wait a that you mention Joseph, I seem to remember him. He was looking for Maya, if I remember correctly. I thought he resembled Mr. Johansson instead. Oh, now I know why.”
“Anna, is this the first time you had a memory of Carl, er, Joseph?”
“Why yes, it is. I can’t say I ever thought of him till now. That’s strange.” Anna grew quiet. “No, it’s not, is it? That’s because Carl just went to the canyon and I have a new memory.”
“You’re getting good at this. I’m still trying to figure it out myself. So let me ask you, do you have a memory of Drew and me getting married?”
“No and I would have told you if I did. So make a new memory for me, Kathryn, make some beautiful memories.”
“That sounds so profound. I think I’ll make a lovely memory for all of us.” Kate smiled into the phone. “I’ll call you later with more news. Right now, I’m going to wake up my 1927 fiancée. Love you!”
Kate went into her bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. She closed her eyes and let the hot shower beat down on her. The steam rose up and suddenly she felt Drew’s hands slip around her waist as he joined her in the shower. This was too good to be true. She slowly turned around to give him a good morning kiss.
“Kate, are you in there?” There was a knock at the bathroom door.
Kate’s eyes popped open to an empty shower. “Drew, yes, I’m here.”
“We knocked for twenty minutes and were getting a little worried.”
“I’ll be out in a minute!” Kate shut off the shower, grabbed her bathrobe and towel for her hair and ran out to her bedroom. “Sorry, I was daydreaming, I guess.”
Drew kissed her and then told her some exciting news. “We’re all going back to shop for the wedding, even your mother. Come on down for breakfast and we’ll fill you in.”
He left her to get ready. She was sorry she didn’t get to finish her fantasy but this was good news. Hurrying to dress, Kate ran downstairs to find her mother in the kitchen.
“Mom, I’m so happy you’re going with us.
I know Lucinda would do everything she could to help us, but it’s too early to tell her. I’d love to include her, but in her world I’ve just met Drew. It wouldn’t make sense for me to say we’re getting married. What am I saying?” Kate hit her forehead. “Lucinda just met Henry and will marry him soon.” She recalled what happened last year. Lucinda married Henry within two months of meeting him. “Mom, I guess it will be just the four of us. Where can we shop in Arizona?”
“Drew arranged for us to go to New York City for a day to pick everything out. He’ll have it shipped to Arizona. It takes a few days to travel to New York and back to the canyon so we thought we better go now.” Her mom seemed excited about the trip.
Kate was glad everyone had something positive to focus on. The family would be together to plan a happy occasion. She hoped it would distract her father. “Mom, do you think Dad has hurt feelings because he can’t walk me down the aisle?”
“He knows he can’t. So regardless of how he feels, that’s how it has to be.”
“I wonder if there’s a way we can. Couldn’t I say, because my parents can’t make it, I’ve asked him to do double duty?”
“You know... that could work. You’re the best, sweetest daughter there ever was.” She kissed Kate on the cheek. “...oh, and don’t forget thoughtful!”
Kate hugged her tightly. She only hoped her mother felt that way after she learned Carl went to the canyon and it was all her fault.
* * * *
It was a busy two months. The family trip to New York City went well. Kate picked out a simple wedding dress and found the perfect lavender color for the girls in the wedding party. Drew and her dad were fitted for tuxes at Martin’s Menswear. Drew made plans to have a tailor come to the ranch to measure Daniel and Thomas. It was such a quick trip Kate never got to meet Drew’s parents or her grandmother and regretted it happened so fast. Staying in 1927 New York and seeing the sights were on her wish list for the next time they visited.
The rest of the summer went by pretty much as the summer before at the canyon. The only difference was Carl kept popping up. He wouldn’t give up on Rachel and continued seeing her, acting very secretive about their relationship. Every time Kate reminded him Rachel would marry Thomas, Carl shut down and wouldn’t talk anymore. She tried not to antagonize him any further because she wanted to keep tabs on him.